Confessions of an IWU College Student

12 December, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized — Matthew Casey @ 1:24 am

About a month ago the radio took away one of my favorite radio stations, ever. 95.7 The Point. This radio station played 80’s music, something I once thought was incredibly corny, but something that grew on me overtime and something I couldn’t put down. I listened to it in the car and when I was in the shower (I blare the radio while showering every morning.) I grew attached to Dexy’s Midnight Runners, Journey, Styx, and many, many other great bands. Their music may be cliche, repetitve, and corny, but dangit I liked it. Then one day, without warning, it was taken off the air. There was no warning, no countdown, no farewell, just nothing. I turned the radio to 95.7 and discovered something absolutely horrifying. My feel-good, jammin’ radio station had become a monster. This monster is incredibly conservative and pumps out conservative, Democrat-hating propaganda. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannety, Clark Howard (somewhat bearable) now flood the airspace of my car. Why? Well, I feel like it is my duty to hear the other side.

 For those of you that don’t know, I am a Democrat. While morally conservative, I am liberal on things such as healthcare, the war, social security, and other social reforms. I am conservative on abortion and gay marriage, but that just about sums it up. To hear Limbaugh talk is absolutely excrutiating. He is the Ted Kennedy of Republicanism, both equally craptastic. Sean Hannety just fires me up into a rage. Whereas Rush just aimlessly throws opinions around like their candy, with no factual backing, and an extreme manipulation of any fact, Hannety takes it a step further by receiving phone calls on the air live. If the caller says one thing in the most subtle way that is contradictory in the least bit to the war, or any phenominon juxtaposed alongside the caller is ripped to shreds. Badgered, and bombarded in some sort of cross examination fashion. At this point it becomes very hard to drive, as the rage is building. Curse you Sean, curse you. It is one thing to be hardcore conservative, but holy cow, you do not need to belittle those of unsimilar (because it doesn’t have to be completely opposite) opinion to yours. Just take the call, acknowledge the opinion, and let it be.

 This was no better showcased than the time Sean was on the phone with Tony Snow, White House Press Secretary for the president. Tony Snow looked at the recent 92 page Iraqi War report objectively, exploring the suggestions put out by the biparty committee. Of course, Sean would have none of this. Anything remotely negative towards the war, which were in fact 72 suggestions, was hogwash, not patriotic, and downright treason. Sean, get a life. Open your mind a little. And quit living in your own, disgusting bubble.

1 Comment »

  1. so im sad 95.7 the point is gone:( that was my on the way to edison music. wada ya know, i too am a Democrat you probably could have guessed that though.

    Merry Christmas

    Comment by Kristin — 23 December, 2006 @ 7:51 am

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