Confessions of an IWU College Student

12 September, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — Matthew Casey @ 12:39 pm

McConn is a coffee shop here at the ‘WU. It is tres chic and offers a variety of the best caffeinated beverages avaiable. It is a student-run organization right here at IWU, and to my suprise due to its quality, is not located anywhere else in the world, much less at any other institution.

In hopes of inspiration to be able to connect to the aura that is McConn I am listening to Bach and his famous Cello Suite No. 1 in Major, however I cannot feel anything but disconnected from the theme downstairs and down the sidewalk. Perhaps something like Anathallo, or Manchester Orchestra, or Death Cab for Cutie, or some sort of hip and trendy Indie Rock Band would be most applicable.

I once heard it said that you had to have a certain level of beauty to work on staff at McConn, but in my experience here I would have to disagree. This is not to say that the people working McConn are ugly, but it is to say that I have stereotyped such physical beauty with a snobbish, snoody attitude – neither of which the staff of McConn are. I love this place and I love to jest and interact with them as they make my coffee in front of me; consider it the the subway of caffeine.

London Fog and Chai have been my duel partners of taste. I know with most certainty that as I progress through my years of education at Indiana Wesleyan I will no doubt continue to indulge in such delicious morsels of the liquid variety. This confession of an IWU college student is one of absolute admiration and appreciation of such a fine coffee house establishment. And yes, its set up meets every stereotype aligned with it.

2 September, 2007


Filed under: Sports — Matthew Casey @ 9:51 pm

So… there is this light outside of Hodson Hall here at IWU that flickers every time I have walked under it, this time the count has reached 5. I even went so far as to stand by the volleyball court and waited to see if it would flicker for other people, much to no avail it did not.

Now, surely I am not so special as to have a light flicker everytime only I walk under it, so it is incredibly ironic. But you know what… I kind of like it. I think I expect it to happen now and it makes me happy when it does. Keep on flickering Senor Lightpole, Senor.

1 September, 2007

New stuff

Filed under: Uncategorized — Matthew Casey @ 5:41 pm

This will be my first post since the month of February. I know, ghastly. I have probably lost most of my readers. Upon viewing the blogroll I was receiving up to 200 feeds a day up until early March when people probably ascertained that I wasn’t writing anymore.

I changed the name of my blog from Subtle Thoughts to Confessions of an IWU College Student, this is due largely in part to the situation I am currently in; this situation being my attendance of this wonderful university.

It has been a hectic couple of days here at the ‘WU. Being a Freshman I have had to go through all the New Student Orientation jazz that all transfer students and freshman are highly encouraged to go to. It is one event after another and an attempt to keep you busy and make new friends. I think it’s pretty cool, I just wish it wasn’t so jam packed full of stuff. I have met some neat people and I enjoy my time with them, I just have a feeling that it could be a little less, I’d like to spend time with my friends in Scripture Hall (my place of residence) as well.

This whole college thing is new and exciting and envigorating. I look forward to continuing my blogs, perhaps giving you insight to college life with a splash here and there, and hopefully I will continue thoughts on political stances and views, Christianity, and anything that comes to be in the sports world.

For instance, the defeat of the University of Michigan was a great spectacle to view, albeit highlights, it was still Joyful. Who knew that the Appalachion (spelling?) University was so good at what they did, or maybe that Michigan was so bad at field goal protection?

I’ll give you the scoop as it goes. And of course, we always aim to please, so therefore we (being I and my public I guess) hope and pray that it is always interesting and hardly ever boring.


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